Teaching areas, practical modules & workshops

In the School of Design you can study product and process design. The School is made up of design and theoretical teaching areas, practical and design modules, and workshops.

Teaching areas, practical modules & workshops

Design teaching areas

Material Design
Industrial Design
Integrative Design
Information Design
Digital Design
Urban Design

Theoretical teaching areas

Design History
Design theory
Theories of culture and technology
Perception theory

Practice and design modules

Media in design 2D/3D/4D
2D visualizations Object
Photography, documentation
Three-dimensional models
Design model making
Connective prototyping
3D workflow


Lightweight and design modeling
Metal and wood materials
Generative processes
CNC technologies
Electronics or digital laboratory
Media in design 2D/3D/4D
Object photography 2D visualizations, documentation

Detailed overview of the design department

Study and portfolio consultation

Teachers and students inform and advise prospective students


BA: Wednesdays, 1 p.m. (additional dates can be arranged)

MA: times and days vary


Bachelor here
Master here


In the videoconference you can show your portfolio or individual works in a PDF file or film the screen content/the content of your portfolio with your smartphone or webcam. (Please pay attention to the quality of the camera, otherwise it is better to take photos beforehand!)




Dates Bachelor
Dates Master

Application Bachelor of Arts
Is the HfG a good fit for me?

If you are looking for an open, interdisciplinary course of study, you have come to the right place. You are not applying for a specific area, but for a design degree with all the contents, in the course of which you can specialize.

Who can apply?

Actually anyone, the important thing is the portfolio or the task on creative aptitude that you submit and your motivation.

If you have a university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, Fachabitur), you can prove your creative talent with your portfolio.

If you do not have a general university entrance qualification, you can convince us of your outstanding creative talent with your portfolio.a

Contents of your portfolio

(landscape format, min. 20 pages, max. 20 MB)

  • Sketchbooks, drawings, three-dimensional works, etc. should be photographed, or scanned.
  • Photos, computer graphics and other digital visualizations
  • Structure material and summarize in a PDF if possible
  • Videos, animations, etc. can be uploaded as mp4 (video files must be playable with VLC player. Youtube or Vimeo links are also possible.
  • Videos can be supplemented with explanatory and illustrative PDFs.
  • An analog portfolio can be filmed and submitted as a video.

Important: There are no “sample portfolios” and no theme!

Alternative to the portfolio: Task on design suitability

As an alternative to the workbook, you can apply with an independently completed task on design suitability. (Only possible for applicants with a general university entrance qualification). Request via email: AufnahmeDesign@hfg-offenbach.de

In addition to your portfolio/Task on design suitability, the following is required
  • Digital version of the certificate of higher education entrance qualification or
  • the last school leaving certificate
  • Proof of a craft-technical and/or digital-technical internship (e.g. in a craft workshop, an industrial company or an agency for media and media production) of at least 6 weeks. Proof of the internship can be submitted later up to the beginning of the second semester of study. In order to prepare for the studies, it is recommended to complete the internship before the beginning of the studies.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae
  • Language certificates: DSH-2; TestDaF-4; Certificate “telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule” or Goethe-Zertifikat C1 by September 15 at the latest If the level in German is only B2, compensation is required via additional proof of English language skills at the C1 level (via a current TOEFL test, a current IELTS test (both must not be older than two years) – or Cambridge Certificate C1
  • Declaration that you have completed the submitted work by hand
  • preferably a photo
  • letter of motivation with reasons for the study
  • If applicable, proof from the Academic Evaluation Center (APS) (for educational certificates from China, Vietnam and India)
Apply now!

You will find the link to the online application from 10.05. here.

Application Master of Arts
Who can apply?

The prerequisite is proof of your artistic-creative or outstanding artistic-creative aptitude.

In addition, you need a domestic or foreign university degree (bachelor’s degree/diploma) or another equivalent degree, which should generally include at least 210 CP.

In justified exceptional cases, admission can also be granted if the aptitude required for the course of study has been acquired in a profession instead of a university degree. In this case, you must be able to prove that you have worked for approximately three years in an occupation that is sufficiently related to the content of the Master’s program and, in particular, that you have acquired knowledge and skills that are relevant to the program. The possibility of admission without a degree cannot be combined with the admission to study without a university entrance qualification in the case of special artistic talent, which is made possible by state law, i.e. a university entrance qualification must be proven for the MFA study program in any case.

Content of your portfolio

(landscape format, min. 20 pages, max. 20 MB)

  • Sketchbooks, drawings, three-dimensional works, etc. should be photographed, or scanned.
  • Photos, computer graphics and other digital visualizations
  • Structure material and summarize in a PDF if possible Videos, animations, etc. can be uploaded as mp4 (video files must be playable with VLC player. Youtube or Vimeo links are also possible.
  • Videos can be supplemented with explanatory and illustrative PDFs.
  • An analog portfolio can be filmed and submitted as a video.

Important: There are no “sample portfolios” and no theme!

In addition to your portfolio, the following is required
  • PDF Exposé, a detailed letter of motivation explaining personal goals and interests in design, and including a description and justification of the self-selected and planned MA topic (250 to max. 500 words, 2MB).
  • Digital version of previous degree certificate (if degree certificate is not yet available: Transcript of Records) or last school leaving certificate
  • If applicable, job references about professional activities in the field of study
  • Detailed curriculum vitae
  • Language certificates: DSH-2; TestDAS-4; Certificate “telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule” or Goethe-Zertifikat C1 by September 15 at the latest If the level in German is only B2, compensation is required via additional proof of English language skills at the C1 level (via a current TOEFL test, a current IELTS test (both must not be older than two years) – or Cambridge Certificate C1
  • If applicable, classification by the Academic Examination Office (for educational certificates from China, Vietnam and India)
Apply now!

You will find the link to the online application from 10.05. here.